Victoria Airport Travelodge
Car Rental Guide
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4.6 / 5
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What happens if I bring my rental car back late?
During the reservation process, you will be asked to choose exact drop off time. In case that you will be late and fail to return the car at the indicated time, you should urgently contact the local car rental agency. The calculation of our rental day is based on 24 hours and an additional charge can be added to your bill for returning the car after the indicated time. Late drop off is possible but it depends on the local supplier and their opening hours. If you have any delay, please contact the local supplier. Some local offices close at a certain time, so it is essential to advise them. There are not obligated to keep the car. To avoid surprises and unexpected extra costs please check the terms and conditions.
The minimum age for car rental depends on the local car rental supplier. Different suppliers may request a different minimum age in order to rent the car. We always recommend seeing the full terms and conditions for the selected car and car rental supplier in order to check that information. In some cases, the rental agency may apply for an extra charge for a young driver. The amount of young driver fee may be different for each supplier. Before you decide to rent the car and you are a young driver, please make sure that you are able to rent your car with selected company. Otherwise, the local company will refuse to provide the car.
How many luggage I can put in my rental car?
As an internet car rental broker, we offer cars by their category and the exact car make or model cannot be guaranteed, therefore we cannot specify exactly how many suitcases you may fit the car. Making the reservation on our website we suggest the quantity of the luggage that you can fit easily in the car however it is not a strict rule. If you need a more spacious car because of your luggage we recommend choosing the car category like a station wagon. This type of cars usually can fit quite big luggage due to its big trunk. Please, be advised to make the research on the website in order to choose the car that reaches your needs and expectations. Our fleet is chosen carefully in sake to satisfy our clients needs.
Are the cars non smoking or I can choose option for smokers?
All our cars are non-smoking and there is no possibility to choose a car where you can smoke in. Why? This rule is mainly settled up due to your safety and comfort. In many countries it is forbidden to smoke when driving and if the local police stop you can get a high fine. Hot ash from the cigarette can destroy the car seat or other parts of the car when falls on the upholstering. It also leaves a very unpleasant smell which is very difficult to remove and therefore forbidden. Other customers can refuse to take a car like this.
What does SHUTTLE BUS mean?
SHUTTLE BUS is an option which some rental car agencies offer in order to pick up the car. On our website, you can select a local supplier directly located at the airport. However, SHUTTLE BUS is a free bus or minibus service provided by the local car rental agency. The bus can be easily found in the front of the arrival hall and will take you to the car rental office in order to pick up your car. If you have any difficulties with finding the SHUTTLE BUS of your rental car agency on arrival, please call the telephone number from the local company on your car rental voucher. They will instruct you on how to find the bus and arrive at the office.
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